Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Thinking Of You


Pray For Them

I'd like to extend my deepest condolences to those that have lost family and loved ones in two tragedies this week: the plane crash in Siberia and the train bombings in Bombay. My best thoughts are with you; I'm terribly sorry for your loss.

Bombay, India


Irkutsk, Russia



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sadly deluded denizens of DU scoff at the "global" war on terror. Can there be any greater proof than simply reading a daily newspaper that a evil crawls among men, striking the innocent without warning? Will this be the end of such attacks?

We know the answer.

Rush Limbaugh said that, for some, there will have to be more 9/11s before they finally "get it". I'm afraid that even then it may not be enough for the swamp things at DU. It will take their own personal 9/11 before they finally "get it".

10:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said prairieson.How any thinking person cannot see Islam for the threat it is is beyond me.No amount of ''dialouge'' is going to stop these animals.Good Lord,how much more of any of this can ANY society endure?Islam and Muslims,by their silence in the face of the terror committed in their name are going to be viewed as being complicit in this.They sure don't come to the fore and denouce this killing,do they?J'Mac.

2:28 PM  

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