Tuesday, October 23, 2007

How America Treats Its Military

How America Treats Its Military
By Chuck Colson

One of the really formative experiences in my life was serving as an officer in the Marine Corps. I thought military service was an honorable profession, so much so that I urged my sons to consider military service—even though that was during the Vietnam War.

But after what I have been watching the past few months, I wonder if I would urge my grandsons to serve today.

One of the most disillusioning moments for me was when the New York Times ran that ad—at a discount, by the way—for MoveOn.org calling General Petraeus “General Betray Us.” This honorable West Point graduate with a distinguished military career: We do this to him? Unbelievably, a resolution in the Senate to disavow the MoveOn.org ad war was opposed by all the leading Democratic presidential candidates.

Equally bad is what the Senate did to General Peter Pace. The majority leader—who, by the way, ran an elevator in the Capitol during the Vietnam War—accused this most decorated marine officer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, of being incompetent. Senate leaders attacked Pace because he had the audacity to express his view that both adultery and homosexual behavior are morally wrong.

The mainstream press has also done its share of harm to our service members.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight for, nothing that is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made free and keep free by the exertions of better men than himself''.-- John Stuart Mill. This is the core difference bewteen a man like General Petraeus and those of anyone, man or woman , who attacked him in the dishonorable,reprehensible and cowardly manner. No one of us who have never served in the military, and that includes me, can ever know what it is like to enlist, train and endure the rigors of whatever branch of the service one joins. And contrary to what the libs and lefties would have you believe simply enlisting is no garuntee that you will frist even be accepted let alone complete training successfully and go on to serve. Its not for the faint-hearted,its tough, it has to be, this is a big country and it needs the biggest military, and the best. besides, as any member of our military will tell you, those who have gone before them, all the way from Valley Forge, to Omaha Beach to Falujah have rasied the bar pretty high, very high in fact so there are big shoes to fill. Thats why this attack against a man who has dedicated his life, literally, to serving and protecting this nation is so outrageous, really, that pack of pgymies, those MoveON thugs and those pathetic excuses for Americans, the Dems should be horse-whipped. This is a disgrace to an honorable soldier. Johnnymac.

4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Colson thought that military service was no longer an honorable profession. I hope that he knows that many, many Americans still appreciate the service of our military men and women.

As Johnnymac so aptly put it, "This is a disgrace to an honorable soldier."

7:11 PM  

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