Thursday, January 31, 2008

McCain vs. Limbaugh


McCain vs. Limbaugh
By L. Brent Bozell III

You can tell a lot about how the news media feel about conservatives by watching how they talk about Rush Limbaugh. They want his influence curbed. They pine for the day his career hits the skids. They’re constantly looking for a moment where they can declare that conservatives no longer have – that Rush Limbaugh no longer has -- the Grand Old Party in a menacing trance. They don’t want Republican candidates seeking a Limbaugh endorsement.

They think they found that moment on January 19.

When McCain won the South Carolina primary, The Washington Post sharply declared the next day that he had “defused conservative attacks, from Rush Limbaugh to Tom DeLay.” CNN’s Carol Costello sounded boastful a few days later: “Conservative radio talkers bragged their influence helped put George W. Bush in office. How times have changed. Now leading many Republican polls -- John McCain. And those same talkers aren't bragging anymore. Voters have betrayed them, despite what's playing on Rush Limbaugh's show.”

No one chortled more loudly than that expert on conservatism, former NBC anchorman Tom Brokaw. He proclaimed on “Meet the Press” that the voters of America are now rejecting “dogma,” and they are a “nomadic herd” hungering for “solutions” rather than ideology.

Translation? The Reagan ideology is finished (thank God); the conservative movement is gone (good riddance); and happy days are here again, with Republicans embracing Democratic policy prescriptions instead (as they should).

Brokaw doesn’t want Republicans to have any troublesome litmus tests to decide which candidate is most conservative, not only because moderates like McCain will fail the test, but because it leads Republicans to pitch campaign promises at that conservative base that the media would like to believe is irrelevant.


Given the intellectual vacuum of the GOP leadership, somebody needs to lead conservatives to analyze the candidate who is truest to their creed. Many talk-radio hosts are taking up that task. So why the hostility toward Rush in particular? Yes, he’s the biggest and most influential. But Rush is also uniquely powerful in keeping conservatives from demoralization – a key objective of the liberal media. Conservatives are understandably glum about their erstwhile champions in Washington, so ingloriously surrendering to liberal pressures. The left would like nothing more than to keep conservatives glum. A McCain nomination would go a long way to making conservatives want to stay home and stew on Election Day.

Tom Brokaw offering advice to Republicans about how to win elections is like Rush Limbaugh offering advice to the network anchors about how to stop the bleeding of their ever-declining ratings. It’s no doubt heard by the recipient of the unsolicited advice as just so much noise from someone who doesn’t really wish you smashing success.

The only difference is this: Brokaw’s advice for the Republican Party is terrible. Limbaugh’s advice for the networks – try a balanced newscast instead of “drive-by” partisan target practice -- would actually be helpful advice. But they’ll never accept it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow--I really understand where Brent is coming from. As far as the voting goes, I'm pretty torn myself between John and Mitt.

2:54 PM  
Blogger VerityINK said...

Don't be torn because you believe it when the Dems say McCain is the only one that can beat them. Let's do the right thing by getting behind the right man--Mitt Romney.

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In other words, it's the same old liberal mantra to conservatives:

"Shut up and sit down."

Cassie, "torn."

Let's see, McCain want open borders, larger taxes, no water boarding, and pushed the disastrous McCain-Feingold bill. There's a reason why he's called a RINO.

Other than Iraq, if you pick McCain, and he loses to Hillary, then you shouldn't feel too bad cause they are similar.

The President is first a "manger" of all of the departments under his responsibility, so my vote goes for Mitt.

And McCain running on his POW past is a joke, otherwise every POW would then be qualified to run for Pres.

Da Boss is right!

7:30 PM  
Blogger VerityINK said...

AMEN SONNY--AND THANK YOU! We need all the good voices we can get!

9:49 AM  

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