Merry Christmas!
Luke 2:8
I created this blog as a response to the hypocrisy, nastiness, and negativity at Democratic Underground. The D'RATS do not allow disagreement on their site; they demand their posters tout their party line word-for-word. Any poster who does not march in lockstep is immediately banned. Their cowardice in this, and their calumny towards America's leaders, will not go unanswered as I address the issues of the day--and one of the most negative, detrimental influences in the blogosphere.
Beautiful music DONAL! Are they singing in French or Flemish? There are some sounds that aren't familiar so I can't tell, but it's pleasing to the ear.
To all of my Christian friends out there, Merry Christmas!!!!! And may he bestow blessings and love to all of you.
Thank you--they are singing in French:
Il est ne, le divin Enfant,
Jouez, hautbois, resonnez, musettes;
Il est ne, le divin Enfant;
Chantons tous son avenement!
1. Depuis plus de quatre mille ans,
Nous le promettaient les Prophetes;
Depuis plus de quatre mille ans,
Nous attendions cet heureux temps. Chorus
2. Ah! qu'il est beau, qu'il est charmant,
Que ses graces sont parfaites!
Ah! qu'il est beau, qu'il est charmant,
Qu'il est doux le divin Enfant! Chorus
3. Une etable est son logement,
Un peu de paille, sa couchette,
Une etable est son logement,
Pour un Dieu, quel abaissement! Chorus
4. O Jesus! O Roi tout puissant!
Tout petit enfant que vous etes,
O Jesus! O Roi tout puissant!
Regnez sur nous entierement! Chorus
I have temporarily taken it off so people can play the Grinch clip!
I will have frequently changing Christmas music tomorrow!
You can hear it at my practice blog:
You speak French?! Wow!
Merry Christmas!!!
I can PRONOUNCE some French--I used to sing in French/Latin/German in school. It's ZinLA that SPEAKS French, Djinn, too--and he knows the German (I dare say ZinLA knows some of that, too!) I do much better with Latin!
I got through the better 2/3 of this:
Personent Hodie
1. Personent hodie
voces puerulae,
laudantes iucunde
qui nobis est natus,
summo Deo datus,
et de virgineo ventre procreatus.
2. in mundo nascitur,
pannis involvitur
praesepi ponitur
stabulo brutorum,
rector supernorum.
perdidit spolia princeps infernorum.
3. magi tres venerunt,
parvulum inquirunt,
parvulum inquirunt,
stellulam sequendo,
ipsum adorando,
aurum, thus, et myrrham ei offerendo.
4. omnes clericuli,
pariter pueri,
cantent ut angeli:
advenisti mundo,
laudes tibi fundo.
ideo gloria in excelsis Deo.
On the web, I can translate everything except Batya's Hebrew! ;-)
Merry Christmas everyone,God Bless us,everyone! Johnnymac.
Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!
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