The DU d'RAT Review
I created this blog as a response to the hypocrisy, nastiness, and negativity at Democratic Underground. The D'RATS do not allow disagreement on their site; they demand their posters tout their party line word-for-word. Any poster who does not march in lockstep is immediately banned. Their cowardice in this, and their calumny towards America's leaders, will not go unanswered as I address the issues of the day--and one of the most negative, detrimental influences in the blogosphere.
Friday, July 04, 2008
Previous Posts
- Democrats Pave the Road to Ruin
- President Bush Can Take Pride in Scorn
- The Ugly American
- Barack Obama's Muslim Childhood
- Leader Losing It
- Google Shuts Down Anti-Obama Sites on its Blogger ...
- Bush Gets Rare Thank You as Liberator of Iraq
- London Times On War- We're Winning (Despite Wester...
- Why Liberals Lie About What They Believe
- 10 Concerns About Barack Obama
About Me
- Name: VerityINK
- Location: Seattle, WA, United States
I am of Irish-American, Swiss, and Czech descent. I was born and raised in Denver, CO. Later, my sister and I moved to San Diego for a few years--and we now reside in the heart of downtown Seattle. I am happily married and I have a degree in human services, a minor in philosophy, and I've worked extensively with developmentally disabled, autistic and mentally ill teens, adults, and the elderly. I thoroughly support President Bush, our troops, our allies, Israel, and the United States of America, HOO-RAH!
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- Barking Moonbat Early Warning System
- Big Dogs Weblog
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- Cap'n Bob and the Damsel
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- Eject! Eject! Eject!
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- Free Speech Or Freely Selfish?
- Whose Peace?
- '60's = '06's
- The Question They Can't Answer
- Fill Bill
- Polling, Plotting, and Puling
- DUngeons and Dragons
- Doom & Gloom In the Playroom
- Hate Is Not A Four-Letter Word
- You Can Pay Your Debt Next Weekend
- I Don't Wanna Calm Down!
- There's No Pay Off In Calming Down
- 2008 For Dummies
- Bill Whittle's Web Of Trust
- You Have To Get Close To the Knife
- More Vicious Than Rape
- A Problem Of Their Own Making
- The War On Terror--and Why We Haven't Found Osama bin Laden
- My Father and Myself
- The Deliberate Teacher
- Obamaria--"I Feel Pretty"
- The Dilemma
- DU & the Doomsday Hypothetical
- The Good and the Evil
- You Think These Folks Will Keep Us Safe?
- The Truth About Haj Amin al Husseini
- Iconoclast vs. The Patriot
- Vetted: What Is Hillary Actually Good At Doing?
- I Blame the Right, the Left--and American Jews
- Patriotism 101
- DU's Anti-Military Ads
- The Fabulous Baker Boys and the ISG
- Hillary Sings the National Anthem
- John Edwards Feeling Pretty
- Madeleine Albright Ad
- MURDERED BY MUMIA--The True Story Of What Really Happened
- Saddam's Hanging
- Seinfeld Lost Episode
- Space Shuttle Discovery Launch
- Wanna See Some REAL Men?
- What Really Happened In the Middle East
- Get "Murdered By Mumia" HERE!
- Get "My Losing Season" HERE!
News Blogs/Sites
Pieces I Have Written/Featured
Happy Birthday America! Hello Donal, how are you? J'Mac.
Happy Independence Day, Donal. Hope you're having a good day today!
Happy 4th everyone!
Same to you, Morgan!
Happy America's Birthday, Sis. Love your "always-loving" tribute to this beautiful country, our country, our home.
Hope everyone has time to enjoy the celebration.
Happy Birthday, America!
Nicely done, Donal!
Its even worse than that... So, how is that Bush economy working for ya?
Idiot anon wrote:
"Its even worse than that... So, how is that Bush economy working for ya?"
I haven't even gone to the link
he provided because his banal question provides an insight into his economic stupidity. It betrays someone who believes that the economy (or others) "works" for us!
Let me help you anon. INDIVIDUALS make te economy work by starting up businesses or getting up early and going to work every day.
Government does one of two things:
1. It helps businesses and workers and the economy by cutting taxes and regulation and GETTING THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY!
That's the Bush method.
2. It hurts businesses, workers and the economy by RAISING tax rates, increasing regulations and killing freedom.
Those are Obama's promises!
Economies go through natural up and down cycles, but the 2 options above can exacerbate or ameliorate those cycles. Any questions anon?
Hey anon, which article?
Notice that I sign my name?
You will have to put this together.
Your pal,
i give up!
Les, yesterday I had a TREMENDOUS amount of fun pulling apart an article on racism and skewering it line by line at FPM. I MAY just take the time tonight after a Black And Tan (African American and Tan) to do the same to your article.
Last chance Lester. What's the name of the article? The link doesn't work.
Click on the Les a couple of posts up. Its in blue. The magic of the internets will take you there.
Your pal,
how about a link to the FPM post?
"Over all, Mr. Bush will be lucky to leave office with a net gain of five million jobs, far short of the number needed to keep up with population growth. For comparison, Bill Clinton presided over an economy that added 22 million jobs."
- Princeton Econmist, Dr. Paul Krugman
Be sure to google these easy facts.
Sheesh, lets hear you rationalize this one.
Your Pal,
Okay Lester I read the column. Needless to say I don't trust the figures at all, given the source. For the sake of argument, let's just say that they are correct.
WHAT in your opinion is the fix for the net job loss? What is the long term socialist cure? Be specific please.
Also I copied this horrible bit of info from the article (pssst, I trust it):
"State and local governments added 25,000 jobs in June. They have added 233,000 jobs over the last year. With most state and local governments now facing severe budget shortfalls, this pace will surely slow in the new fiscal year."
How do YOU feel about that snippet?
BTW Les, Krugman is a laughable dunce. I'm not sure he can help it given his politics. Leftists are terribly disarmed on economic matters.
Still waiting for your rationalization on the dismal Bush economy. And specific
But while we are waiting, how about this.
Your pal,
Speaking of the Republican laissez-faire attitude. What do you think of this?
"LEARNING TO LOVE REGULATION....Fed chairman Ben Bernanke gave his support Tuesday to the idea of regulating significant chunks of the financial industry that have mostly operated without supervision until now. "
Your pal,
Les wrote:
"Speaking of the Republican laissez-faire attitude. What do you think of this?"
After reading the rest of the post I think maybe Ben needs to be given his walking papers!
Same to you, Morgan!
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