Friday, June 02, 2006



The My Lai Lie
By Michael Reagan

If you pay close attention to the media firestorm over the incident in Haditha, you’ll discover constant references to the war in Vietnam in general and My Lai in particular.

That’s no accident. The crazed American left in and out of the media is trying to accomplish in Iraq what they accomplished in Vietnam – a shameful American defeat wrested from the jaws of victory. Make no mistake about it, these traitorous anti-war zealots are salivating over the possibility that they can exploit whatever happened in Haditha last November just as they exploited the My Lai massacre and thousands of G.I. deaths in Vietnam.

Without any real knowledge of the Nov. 19 deaths of 24 civilians and the role if any played in the killings by United States Marines, the despicable Democrat Rep. John Murtha is charging that members of the Marine Corps killed those civilians in cold blood. The media is trumpeting over Murtha’s accusations, showcasing him on radio and TV broadcasts and egging him on, something scarcely needed since he’s been all too anxious to clutter up the air waves with his egomaniacal blatherings.

This is all a matter of déjà vu to those of us who remember what happened in Vietnam, and how the same media now ranting and raving about Haditha helped drive us from Vietnam – where we were winning – an outcome that cost the lives of over a million Vietnamese and Cambodians. Central to the attempt to drive us out of Vietnam were the phony atrocity stories peddled by the likes of Jane Fonda and John Kerry and the story of My Lai where somewhere between 300 and 500 Vietnamese villagers were butchered by an out-of-control U.S. Army unit – a real atrocity that bolstered Kerry’s phony accounts of American misbehavior in battle.

In Vietnam, the Left learned their lesson well and they are now applying it to Iraq, where they hope to obtain similar results – the mightiest nation on the face of the earth cutting and running from a conflict against a ragtag foe we are slowly and painfully winning.

The worst aspect of this duplicitous activity is the motive behind much of the antiwar hysteria – an insane hatred of George W. Bush and the overwhelming lust of the Democrats to regain control of Capitol Hill no matter what it costs the United States of America in blood and treasure. Don’t make any mistake about it – that exactly what is driving John Murtha. This war’s John Kerry – and that of his conscienceless colleagues.

They didn’t care that their part in causing the U.S. to back out of Vietnam caused over 58,000 of our fellow Americans to have died in vain. And today they couldn’t care less if the grieving survivors – moms, dads, wives, and children – of the soldiers and Marines who laid down their lives in Iraq have to face the possibility that their loved ones’ deaths were meaningless.

What these modern-day Benedict Arnolds are attempting to do is the recreate the shameful spectacle of battle-scarred veterans coming home from Vietnam to be cursed and spat at and called baby killers by the very people they risked their lives to serve. Their crocodile tears over the killings in Haditha – which for all we presently know may or may not have been justified by the exigencies of combat – masks their delight that they may now have a new My Lai. Never mind that My Lai caused hundreds of deaths while in Haditha just 24 people died in what, once again, for all we presently know for certain, may have been the heat of battle.

With the enthusiastic cooperation of the media the two incidents are compared to sap the morale of the American people to the point where they will accept a shameful defeat and leave the people of Iraq to the same kind of tender mercies shown to the betrayed people of Vietnam and Cambodia.

I want to tell the veterans of Vietnam that this is what they did to you and this is what John Murtha and the rest of the radical Left are now trying to do to the brave men and women in Iraq. They want to turn their image into that of baby killers. You should be the ones marching in the streets against the Left and John Murtha. You must not allow what happened to you happen to the men and women in Iraq.{98358F61-DF57-41A8-BCE3-E4E5012E2654}


As a perfect example of exactly the kind of person Michael Reagan is talking about, the d'RAT Playhouse coughs up this traitorous asshat:

"I see no point in feathering up some false pride in what our soldiers are doing there. The entire occupation is an abomination. Unfortunately, bucking up the forces is what the officers do to cajole the soldiers to continue to prosecute their misguided 'mission' in Iraq.

But I don't see much need for that from the rest of us. Outside of general respect for these soldiers lives and their well-being, and a general respect for the ultimate sacrifice of the risk of their lives and their livelihoods, they would be best served by a condemnation of their actions, not some sugar-coating to make them feel better.


In the meantime, these misguided and misdirected troops will ultimately benefit more from public resentment of their actions in Iraq than by cheerleading and cosseting of blame. Anything that hastens their exit from Iraq will more than compensate for some loss of pride that may come from the criticism." (bigtree)

Once again, the true loyalties of the d'RATs becomes apparent. They want us all to believe that they 'honor' the troops--but they have "babykillers!" on their lips, and spittle in their mouths, just waiting for them. NEVER have I been so disgusted!



"It was like a wave that hit me. The lastest news of more murders being committed in Iraq. Among the latest victims was a six month old baby. WHO CAN SHOOT A BABY? Yesterday, report of a shooting, of a pregnant woman, in labor, trying to get to the hospital. Killing her and her unborn child. I sit here sobbing in shame. In a previous post I said, there will come a point, where all soap and water in the world, will not wash away the blood that is on our hands." (DearAbby)

"He (Bush) has no emotions, no feelings, and certanly no empathy. He is a shell. He has a body, but no soul. If he is so "pro life" than why have millions of people been murdered under his watch? He is pure evil. I have never hated anyone as much as I hate that man. I cannot imagine how black and empty his soul is. The atrocities committed under his watch are beyond comprehension. Every day... more death and destruction. There is no way to stop it. They will lie, cheat and steal to get whatever the fuck they want." (Sannum)

The first post deals with the alleged 'baby killing' by a Marine in Haditha. Whether or not that is true remains to be seen; the d'RATS will make up any slander, spread ANY untruth if they think it advances their position.

My question to them--and one that got me thrown out of the d'RAT Playhouse quick--was "how is this different than abortion?" This gal was crying tears and flowers for the 'blood on GOP hands' over a mother and childs' supposed death in Iraq--but she had no comment--not so much as a glance--for all the abortions here in this country...

The second squib is likewise as revealing. The d'RATS want to go on chapter and verse about how 'Bush is responsible' for the reported civilian deaths in Haditha. They want to talk about how 'soulless' and 'amoral' he is--yet I got banned, once again, for asking a very simple "Was LBJ responsible for My Lai?"

The feckless d'RATS want to over-emote at the drop of a hat--get all bleary-eyed and blubbery--but they DO NOT WANT TO BE HONEST OR PLAY FAIR. (And, after getting banned twice in one day (of course, I'm back on with another name LOL!) for merely asking a question, they can save it when they go bleating about 'free speech'!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just posted over on DU (sure I will get banned very quickly as they hate dissent) asking about civilian deaths during the Yugoslavia campaign (thanks to survivalkit at Frontpage for pointing this out) and why there was no outrage at that.

Did not log in, but this is phandancer from Frontpage

11:22 AM  
Blogger VerityINK said...

HI PHANNY! Great to see you! Tell me if they kick you--what post was it on? And good for you!

11:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just got banned!!!!! I was posting on the Haditha story (third or forth down) and said NOTHING offensive, though I mentioned smoking up with hippies - can't imagine that would cause a problem with those shiftless morons.

I created a variation of my name (phantasytour into phantasytourist) and posted my banning. The funny thing is that I got some good feedback from a poster about the post that got me banned.

What a bunch of morons.

12:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dang...they already posted my post about my ban.

Those jerks are QUICK!

12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I mean "Pulled" my post

12:18 PM  
Blogger VerityINK said...

LOL! PHANNY! Now you know why I'm here! Those oh-so-brave babies at DRATville, those advocates of 'free speech' can't tolerate even the SLIGHTEST variation in opinion! If their posters don't march in lockstep, if they don't put the words in each other's mouths and then take 'em out again to gum, THEY JUST CAN'T HANDLE IT!

1:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This, from the DU Post: "Unfortunately, bucking up the forces is what the officers do to cajole the soldiers to continue to prosecute their misguided 'mission' in Iraq."

They call their 'precious soldier' Murtha 'cajoling' the soldiers?

And how about our owned darned unbelievably stupid bigwig generals who are now, more than one, coming out saying "we have to teach our soldiers morals and ethics of the battlefield" (I paraphrase, but that's the essence). Are they KIDDING?

What kind of message does THAT give the world and, MUCH more importantly, our soldiers? That they're all immoral and have no ethics? When we're had something like 950,000 kids there and less than `1/2 a percent has flipped out and misbehaved!? Are these bigwigs NUTS or WHAT? It tells ALL our great GREAT soldiers they're slobs because, what, 20 our of a MILLION, have done wrong?

And how about that none of it's been PROVEN? How about the fact that our kids are there dying for the principle that you're innocent until proven guilty and they've been found guilty around the world and by our OWN Murtha, Pelosi and so many others!???? WHat's UP?"

Yup..they can blow our kids to kingdom come, but let 20 of OUR kids kill people and it just shows another way America stinks? And that's only the NY SLIMES saying that!!!


By the way, when you post at DU and get booted, does that mean just THAT post got booted, or YOU are booted forever? And how fast is your post booted? Does it appear then disappear?

Thanks.........yours in REAL anger over these soldier killings...which COULD, by the way, be Zarqawi staging it all..sort of like Jenin and the Israelis, remember?


1:51 PM  
Blogger VerityINK said...

ZINLA They can take just your post, your name, or your name and ALL your posts off DU. And the name you used, your email addy with which you registered, and the IP number you signed on with cannot be used again. If you want back on DU, you have to reboot your computer, empty cache/cookies, get a new email addy, and re-register as someone else--and then wait their 24 hrs. to post.

4:21 PM  
Blogger nanc said...

they are a paranoid lot.

4:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it something how the little dears are all military experts.''Bigwig generals''.Second guessing professional men,educated,mature,battled-tested men being second guessed by snotty little trust fund babies who ''support the troops''.Makes me sick.I just know in my heart of hearts the US marine Corps didn't do this.Johnnymac.

5:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs.D.,nanc,ZinLa,good evening ladies.Trust you're all doing well tonight.Its been rainy,muggy and hot most of the week here.Yuck.Awaiting the tourist season here on the Jersey Shore.J'Mac.

5:14 PM  
Blogger JINGOIST said...

JM I have a serious question for you. Does the tourist season on the Jersey shore turn into a sight for sore eyes? Just curious.
Oh I got your message and I'll call you tomorrow with a good joke. My buddy Steve loved the Muslim joke.


7:05 PM  
Blogger FLORIAN said...

Hi all! How's it going with everybody? Beak just banned uptown from his blog--it was a riot. Jingo's interview with me is posted on my blog--he's got some great ideas!
J'MAC: You still lounge around at FPM? I am wondering who in the hell this Pat Buchanan is.
Donal: Nice article as usual. DU is a great way to expose how these D'RATS would act in their totalitarian state if they ever controlled every branch of the gov't. Book burnings, censorship, no freedom of speech and no gun ownership.

7:12 PM  
Blogger JINGOIST said...

nanc not only are they paranoid, but they redefine the term "thin-skinned." Those champions of free speech don't handle dissent well at all. I treaded as lightly as I possibly could at daily kos and they erased practically everything that I wrote. What a bunch of pansies! LOL!!
Oh thanks for the nice things you wrote about my interview with Flo.


7:14 PM  
Blogger JINGOIST said...

Flo pat buchanan is just a lefty agitator, nothing more or less. Kinda boring and predictable.


7:36 PM  
Blogger FLORIAN said...

That's what I figured.

7:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good morning Jingoist!Beunos dias Florian.How are you guys doing.Yes Florian,I still post at FPM.I haven't been there yet this week-end,I'll be over there at some point this week-end.My wife and I have been busy,there is so much stuuff we've got to do around the ol'hacienda,stuff we've been putting off.Morgan,the tourist season here is a tremendous boon to the local economy and to the state in general,to the tune of about a billion a year.Unfortunatly,the vast majority of the locals down here have this incomprehenisible resentment to the tourists here,they're called ''bennies'',from "Hey Benny,where'd ya park the car''?(i.e tourists leaving the beach.)Really counter-productive,its just the crowds and traffic are tough to deal with,kind of like a three month spring break that doesn't stop till after Labor Day.J'Mac.

10:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Veritylink,

Your observations, re: d'rats, are spot on, as usual. Amazing that these folks are in perpetual foment, like rabid dogs. They don't realize how unhinged they come off as. They influence no one except their own, which are few in numbers, thank God. Pathetic souls ... er, or should that be soulless? FairWitness

8:59 AM  
Blogger VerityINK said...

HI PAT! It's great to have you here! Actually, there's more than just a few of the d'RAT moonbats--which is why I'm here! They sure don't allow 'free speech' on their site!

12:07 PM  

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