Sunday, August 13, 2006

Home Grown DU Idiocy and Cowardice:

FROM DU: This Cease Fire Is Just Insane To Me

So they have to stop killing each other at Monday at 8am, but for the next day it's fine to continue killing each other? And you know both sides are going to go full force the next day and to kill and cause as much damage as possible before the cease fire. (Herman Munster)

DU Chimes In:

-Everyone has to get the memo. If there is a cease-fire immediately, but some guy doesn't know it, he'll "break" the cease fire and they'll need to go back to the negotiation table.

-It's sad, but they don't have everyone's cell phone number.

-That doesn't explain the conscious escalating by itself. Though the reasons seem clear enough to me. Bargaining chips, territory control, bypassing and trapping Hezbollah forces in the hope they can be cleaned out later somehow.

-Exactly. They can send out messages to everyone saying "stop" now.

-I thought the same thing. What about the people who are going to be killed between now and next Monday. Don't those people count. It's beyond insane. Leaders of nations play their power games and normal average people die. All the people of the world should just refuse to engage in war.

"Trapping" Hezbollah? Why, those por, por misunderstood, victimized folks! I guess that's how a d'Rat engages in war. Next thing you know, they'll be spoonfeeding the Hezzies and tuckin' 'em into bed at night!


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