Sunday, July 16, 2006

Democrat Character Tells On Itself Once Again...

FROM DU: Dems Sink Themselves With Their Own "Swiftboating" Try

It's time to turn Rove's techniques against him. We should identify Bush's strengths and then Swift-Boat them.

One of Bush's strengths is with members of his Christian base, who for some reason believe that Bush represents their values. Democrats should come up with an astro-turf organization called Christian Soldiers for Truth. They should create commercials that would have testimonials as follows:

Speaker 1: 'Bush isn't really a Christian. He doesn't believe in any of the teachings. I've been going to his church for years, and he's never there. Bush doesn't believe in Jesus'.

Speaker 2: 'Bush talks a good talk, but he doesn't read the Bible. Just ask him any questions about the New Testament, you'll notice that he avoids the issue. He's never read it. I know because he's a member of my church'.

Speaker 3: 'Bush is a "fair weather" Christian. He acts the part when it suits him, but in fact he doesn't care about Christian values. In fact many of Bush's staff are gay even though he is supposedly against gay marriage'.

As with Karl Rove's techniques, it doesn't really matter whether any of this is true (although I personally believe that it is). All that is necessary is to repeat the message over and over.

One problem with this strategy is that it goes against Democratic tendencies to be the good guys, to always do the right thing no matter what. But we need to understand what we're up against and pull out all the stops. This administration is evil, and we need to assume in advance that the most underhanded techniques will be used, and beat them to the punch. (davidlynch)

And THIS pack of lies and deception is from the "Good Guys"??? ("Good Guys" like 'Chucky' in Child's Play, maybe...Heidi-Ho!) Instead of trying to win fairly, it's only a trumped-up conversation and deliberate untruths they have as their weapons--and feeble weapons, by a feeble opponent--they are, too.

The d'Rats hadbetter get them some character and some better ideas--and they need to learn that "Swiftboating" really means hitting people with the truth!

Is this the party that wants to attract the religious base or the party that is standing up for gay rights (in-between trying to "out" them)--I can't tell...


Blogger beakerkin said...

Do they drug test at DU?

4:57 PM  
Blogger VerityINK said...

I don't know, but if this is their idea of trying to appeal to people's "spirituality", they aren't gonna make much headway.

5:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Beaker, and you have to flunk to be a member.

Or have a signed note from your outpatient psychiatrist.

You think I jest? Read a few posts at DU.

11:20 PM  

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