Tuesday, August 29, 2006

NO, Canada!

Bush Mocked in Canadian University Ad

Posters and a Web site mocking President Bush have put the spotlight on a small Ontario university that thought a bold and edgy recruiting campaign was just the ticket to attract potential students.

The Web site, http://www.yaleshmale.com, has a black and white picture of Bush, with the caption: "Graduating from an Ivy League university doesn't necessarily mean you're smart."


This was a disgrace. I hope Harper has got a few words for them. I love Canada--we have Canadian relatives--however, we are good neighbors, are key trading partners, and provide a huge amount of Canadian military support.

I wouldn't make this stupid a comment about a country that I guarded--OR from whom I was required to buy my own defenses!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Consider the lot of Canada -- what's to do there when there's no hockey?

Besides, it's harmless childishness on their part. Canadians have never been known for great maturity. One has to consider that before taking too much of what they say or do seriously.

They also know that we'll simply laugh it off -- they wouldn't dare try something like that with, say, Iran or Syria. Imagine them being brave enough to ridicule Syria or Iran -- ain't gonna happen. Only the French would surrender quicker.

It's like the kid brother annoying his older, much larger older brother. If they weren't brothers, the kid would wind up in a hospital.

One has to consider, too, that they only recently wised up enough to throw the idiot Liberals out of office. Considering the Liberals ruled for so long, it will take a while before Canadians are sane again.

Their whole economy would go into the toilet if we ever billed them for the defense benefits they get by being next door to the United States.

3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

psst .. if anyone asks for me, I'm incognito, unavailable, retired to distant lands ... in case some ex-hockey players with missing front teeth show up looking for me, you ain't seen me ...

Someday I'll learn to keep my sarcasm to myself hehehe

6:49 PM  

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