Monday, October 01, 2007



Mr. KINGSTON submitted the following resolution:

RESOLUTION: Commending Rush Hudson Limbaugh III for his ongoing public support of American troops serving both here and abroad. Recognizing Mr. Limbaugh for his relentless efforts to build and maintain troop morale through worldwide radio broadcasts and personal visits to conflict regions.

Whereas the need to show support for American troops serving and fighting both here and abroad during a time of global conflict has never been greater, with the need to communicate an uplifting message of encouragement to American soldiers eternally important, in addition to the morale-boosting value of personal visits to region by highly-regarded individuals;

Whereas daily radio broadcasts reaching tens of millions of civilians and soldiers both in America and abroad by way of the Armed Forces Radio Network are conducted five days a week by Rush Hudson Limbaugh III;

Whereas Mr. Limbaugh has consistently used his broadcast time to praise American troops and support them during their ongoing efforts to secure peace in a troubled world;

Whereas Mr. Limbaugh made a week-long visit to meet with troops based in Afghanistan in 2004;

Whereas Mr. Limbaugh has raised and donated millions of dollars to the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation, which provides college scholarships to the children of Marines and veterans of other branches killed in action;

Whereas Mr. Limbaugh’s website features an “Adopt a Soldier” program which provides them with free subscription access to his online program features;Whereas during the original invasion in 2003, pilots of five different aircraft flew an American flag in Mr. Limbaugh’s honor during their bombing and refueling runs; and

Whereas Mr. Limbaugh’s commitment to American troops serving both here and abroad remains as strong as ever: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representatives—

(1) recognizes Rush Hudson Limbaugh III for his support of the Marine Corp Law Enforcement Foundation and for providing free subscriptions for active-duty servicemembers;

(2) recognizes Mr Limbaugh’s desire to see American troops achieve a successful outcome in Iraq, Afghanistan and wherever soldiers are stationed; and

(3) commends Mr. Limbaugh’s tireless public support for American troops and their families through radio broadcasts, fundraising and other public support.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard Harry Reid condemn him on the floor of the Senate today on Rush's show. Too bad he didn't have to pay $ 100 per lie. That speech would have been awful damn painful and expensive!

I listened to the original caller a week ago on the show and it was CLEAR that Rush was referring to the phony soldiers that the left always trots out. They've been caught at this before. The latest fraudulent soldier was washed out in BOOT CAMP!!!! Yet he claimed to have witnessed atrocities in Iraq cvomitted by fellow soldiers! I truly hate these slanderous as---les!@ It weas ABUNDANTLY clear as I listened to Rush that he was referring to those PHONY soldiers. The ones who never actually served in the combat zone.

It's "otherworldly" to listen to the Majority leader in the Senate get up and tell such a BALD FACED friggin lie! If you expect the NYT's to correct the record, don't hold your breath.


5:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Morgan...I like your plan that they pay $100 a lie. They can put that in Hillary's fund for $5000 for each child!

6:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't get to hear Rush very often, and I miss that. Sometimes I get a repeat on the weekends.

And doesn't the Senate have more important things to do? Is berating Rush Limbaugh, America's-Number-One-Talk-Show-Host really a government priority?

6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Catfleas they are raising money from the grassroot nuts AND they are attempting to discredit Rush. The truth is a tertiary concern. WE don't think like that, but THEY do.


9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good morning everyone. The war on Rush is in HIGH GEAR! I can't WAIT for this to be shoved right down their leftist throats. My guess is that Rush will start his show with the entire 4 minute phone call to expose the sunuvubices! LOL!

They gave us such a wonderful opportunity.


4:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well the House of Reps finally does something right for a guy who has always been ''right'' for America and our troops. Bravo Rush. J'Mac.

4:01 PM  

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