Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Rush Limbaugh In Hurricane Info Tempest

Rush Limbaugh In Hurricane Info Tempest
By Amy Sherman

If it truly wants to be Broward County's official hurricane radio station, here's what WIOD (610 AM) needs to do: Fire Rush Limbaugh.

At least that's the stand taken by Commissioner Stacy Ritter, who was able to prevent the county from renewing its hurricane information partnership with WIOD because the station carries the conservative icon's syndicated show.

Ritter pointed out that the majority of the nine county commissioners -- all of whom are Democrats -- are at the opposite end of the political spectrum from Limbaugh and other conservative hosts carried by WIOD.

With Ritter in opposition and four commissioners absent, there were insufficient votes to renew the deal.''We don't have to do business with them,'' Ritter declared.


WIOD was Broward's official station last year, and is the state's designated station for emergency alerts. But this year, the county decided to use a competitive process.

County officials recommended WIOD because it had the broadest reach.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Surely this is a joke! If it isn't a joke, please, remind me not to move to Broward County. Never mind...I'll remember not to move there.

Donal, love the hurricane. You have added some really creative stuff to your blog lately!

8:40 PM  
Blogger VerityINK said...

It's no joke--read the article further down...

8:57 PM  

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