Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Best "Aid & Comfort" the D'Rats Have To Offer:

The Constitution of the United States defines treason in Article III, Section 3, thus:
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort."

FROM DU: Here's Another Definition Of the Word "Treason"

The pot is calling the kettle black. The US DoD and other fuckers involved in this war in Iraq are ranting and raving about soldiers getting tortured, beheaded and held prisoner by Iraqi insurgents. The DoD and the M$M are going on and on and making the insurgents out to be nothing but cruel, cold-hearted bastards.

You know what I say? Fuck the DoD! Fuck the president! Fuck everyone in the M$M and the administration who goes on and on about this shit. You know why? Because frankly, we should be treated as well as we have treated THEIR side.

Abu Graib, anyone? Gitmo, anyone? Haditha, anyone? Why the fuck should those assholes treat OUR people any different than we have treated their side? Do unto others as they have done unto you. Let's get this straight--we are NOT the victims here!! WE are as culpable as any terrorist, as liable as any occupying country, and as responsible as any insurgent.

It's not a nice thing to see our soldiers and others getting killed, beheaded, tortured and suffering, but if I were the Iraqi insurgents, I would not hesitate to rain down on "my" enemy the same shit that they have rained down on me. (hyphenate)

Does this poster sound like ANYONE who could ever defend this country? Does he sound like anyone who could even see any other enemy besides the magnificent country that he lives in himself?


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