The DU d'RAT Review
I created this blog as a response to the hypocrisy, nastiness, and negativity at Democratic Underground. The D'RATS do not allow disagreement on their site; they demand their posters tout their party line word-for-word. Any poster who does not march in lockstep is immediately banned. Their cowardice in this, and their calumny towards America's leaders, will not go unanswered as I address the issues of the day--and one of the most negative, detrimental influences in the blogosphere.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Monday, July 07, 2008
Friday, July 04, 2008
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Democrats Pave the Road to Ruin

Four times last month, pollsters gauged voters' opinion of the Democratic-run Congress and four times they came back showing almost 3 in 4 Americans disapproving of its performance. But if voters think they hate Congress now, just wait until next January when, as expected, they twin a Democratic Congress with a Democratic president who today is Congress' most liberal member.
President Bush Can Take Pride in Scorn
There has been no shortage of ridiculous articles this year evaluating how America's image will need serious refurbishing after the "damage" exacted by the Bush years.
One would presume that the most "damaging" element of the Bush legacy has been the seven years of the war on terror. Oh, how he - and we - are despised from the cafés of Paris to the sidewalks of Berlin, from the coffee shops of Cairo to the market squares of Caracas, all because we have spent the years since 9/11 trying to reform the part of the world that wishes we were all dead.
It is equal parts sad and scary that an entire political party and millions of its adherents in America believe that we should guide foreign policy by how much of the world likes us.
This is as fundamentally stupid as trying to raise a child by being a buddy instead of a parent. That is a sure recipe for a rotten, indulged, unappreciative kid.
If you think it an insulting condescension to analogize America and the world to a parent's lessons for a spoiled child, you are completely correct, and that is my precise intent. Much of the world deserves such derisive regard, and worse.
Europe doesn't know what an enemy is any more. The Middle East is so filled with murderous lunatics that rational voices are drowned out. And from Latin America to Asia to Africa, there is so much tyranny, terror and corruption that no single U.S. president could possibly make a sizeable dent.
But this one has tried, and for that he is despised by America's enemies around the world and political enemies at home.
He should wear their scorn like a badge of honor. I would love to see a day when America is admired consistently from continent to continent. But let the world admire us because we have done the right things, even when unpopular, not because we changed our definition of what is right to appease evil leaders and misguided masses around the globe.
They always say if the opposition minds that much, he must be doing something right! LOL!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Barack Obama's Muslim Childhood

By Daniel Pipes
Leader Losing It
Senate meltdown.
There was a remarkable exchange on the floor of the Senate this past Thursday between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. It offers pretty stunning evidence of how personally petty Reid is, as well as his penchant for defining “partisanship” as anything that keeps him from getting his way.
The particulars here aren’t terribly important, but what happened was this: The Senate was voting on a Medicare bill bloated with new spending. The bill was also an attempt to prevent cuts in payment rates to doctors who treat seniors on Medicare, and Democrats wanted to pay for that by taking the funds from Medicare Advantage, a private fee-for-service plan. The president would likely have vetoed the bill in its current form and Senate Republicans opposed the gutting of Medicare Advantage, so Senate Republicans blocked the bill.
The trouble is that if the Senate doesn’t resolve the issue very soon, doctors will stop receiving Medicare funds. So Republicans proposed a 30-day extension to allow more time to hammer out a compromise. Democrats blocked the proposed extension. The impasse here caused Reid to go apoplectic on Mitch McConnell (I’ve highlighted the juicy parts):
Google Shuts Down Anti-Obama Sites on its Blogger Platform
It looks like Google has officially joined the Barack Obama campaign and decided that its contribution would be to shut down any blog on the Google owned blogging system that has an anti-Obama message.
Yes, it sure seems that Google has begun to go through its many thousands of blogs to lock out the owners of anti-Obama blogs so that the noObama message is effectively squelched. Thus far, Google has terminated the access by blog owners to 7 such sites and the list may be growing. Boy, it must be nice for Barack Obama to have an ally powerful enough to silence his opponents like that!