This Video Is Graphic, Folks....
I created this blog as a response to the hypocrisy, nastiness, and negativity at Democratic Underground. The D'RATS do not allow disagreement on their site; they demand their posters tout their party line word-for-word. Any poster who does not march in lockstep is immediately banned. Their cowardice in this, and their calumny towards America's leaders, will not go unanswered as I address the issues of the day--and one of the most negative, detrimental influences in the blogosphere.
A Letter To My Sister:
Here's the Original Post At the Democrat Underground:
Why Jimmy Carter Is Not An Anti-Semite
In our ongoing discussions, Peter had always maintained that the element of malice played a larger role in the motives of the Left than I had been willing to accept. I resisted his judgement because I could not readily locate such negative passions in myself. But now I was having second thoughts. If the Left was primarily motivated by the desire to "make the world better," why was it so indifferent to the consequences of it's efforts? What else could explain its lack of concern about the deeds of its liberators in Indochina, or its Panther vanguard at home? Its disinterest in whether socialism worked or not?
The more I thought about the moral posturing of the Left, the more I saw that it's genius lay not in reforms but in framing indictments. Resentment and retribution were the radical passions. In The Eighteenth Brumaire, Marx had invoked a dictum of Goethe's devil: "Everything that exists deserves to perish." It was the progressive credo.
To the Left, neither honored traditions nor present institutions reflected human nature or desire; the past was only a dead weight to be removed from their path. When the Left called for "liberation," what it really wanted was to erase the human slate and begin again in the year zero of creation. Marxism was indeed a form of idolatry, as Berdyaev had written, and the Creator/Destroyer that the Left worshipped was itself.
You can buy Radical Son and others here:
How too accurate! Funny, I remember one of the more chilling scenes in Rosemary's Baby was when Roman Castevet proclaimed, "To 1966! The year one!". When he said it, my blood just stopped (given that he was the reigning warlock of a group that championed the birth of Satan's son, who would take Jesus' place, remake the world with a total absence of any sort of religious faith or, indeed, any sort of morality at all).
When I read this excerpt, and David said it of the Left, my blood ran cold again; that's not 'progress'--that's just plain nihilism (and about much more than just religion). I--we--really have to think if this is, or is not, what the Left has been up to all along...
Kwanzaa: Holiday from the FBI
Art Exhibition On Torture 'Opens Abu Ghraib Wounds'
Finally, Some Good Uses For All Those Smuggled Arms:
Scott Hennen relays a first-hand report:
This is a true story.....Check out this photo from our mess hall at the US Embassy yesterday morning. Sen. Kerry found himself all alone while he was over here. He cancelled his press conference because no one came, he worked out alone in the gym w/o any soldiers even going up to say hi or ask for an autograph (I was one of those who was in the gym at the same time), and he found himself eating breakfast with only a couple of folks who are obviously not troops.
What is amazing is Bill O'Reilly came to visit with us and the troops at the CSH the same day and the line for autographs extended through the palace and people waited for two hours to shake his hand. You decide who is more respected and loved by us servicemen and women!
Hat tips: Caption This!, Power Line
I have shamelessly swiped this from Moonbattery Blog:
I also have to give a tremendous hat tip to The Merry Widow at:
I wouldn't have seen this is not for her! I sent this pic to (from Powerline, 'cause I know she likes 'em!) and she put it up in her MUST READS!
Ellison: Muslim Activism As Part Of Allah's Plan
Military Deaths In Iraq Exceed 9/11 Toll
The rest of us, that know what's right, that knows what we are made of--what we are about--will do something about it for you. Their are such deficient people such as yourself all over the world--particularly in muslim countries. The cure is to:
1). Get morals.
2). Get ethics.
3). Get religion.
4). Get right.
5). Educate yourself.
Doctor DONAL
Other people hate the Jews, too, because you're not the only fool in the world, David Irving.
(Batya wrote with this lastest missive from AhmaJimmy-Dude--and I completely lost it...)